United Fruit Co.

NEB Grade XI Optional English Note | Poem | Lesson 7 | United Fruit Co. | Pablo Neruda


The poem ‘United Fruit Co.’ is about the imperialist intervention, specifically noting the dictators it has supported and the destructive behavior of the Boston-based ‘United Fruit Company’ from which the poem derives its name. It has the mock-biblical language to describe the continued exploitation of Central America by the region’s richer neighbor(s) to the North. The tone of the poem is ironic and mocking.

In the opening lines, the poet sarcastically says that God handed over the world to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors, and other corporations. They act as if God delegated his authority over to them. He also says that The United Fruit Company reserved the juicy fruits grown in the Latin American countries. The company baptized these countries with the term ‘Banana Republics’ which indicates the countries popular for the banana trade.

He states that the countries had the great history with their great heroes. The people could enjoy freedom. But the American companies turned Latin America into a farce opera.

The poet compares the Latin American leaders to flies because they were the people who attracted to the offers of power that the corrupt companies made. The leaders were the vilest of human beings because they were attracted to the piles of greed and corruption and let the Americans exploit their land resources. The characteristics of flies are compared to Trujillo, Tachos, Carias, Ubico and Martinez. They were the dictators of the Latin American countries during that time.

The poet shows the sad truth of what happened to Central America as the continuous exploitation of the resources. The corrupt leaders have finally eaten away at the ‘fruits’ of Central America. Furthermore, the poet expresses the inconsiderateness of corporations, viewing the loss of life as only a loss of product and profit.

The poem is written in free verse, and no rhyme scheme is made. It is made up of four stanzas. The first stanza presents the scene after the creation of the world and the birth of the different companies. The second stanza talks about the dictatorship in Central America. The third stanza is about the entrance of the United Fruit Company and the last stanza offers the consequences people face from the growth of the company.

The corporate companies mentioned in the poem symbolize the American industrial development. The flies which are repeatedly used suggest something disgusting. The repetition of such word gives the readers an idea that gives to the visualization of death or destruction. The words like succulent, delicate, modest and treasure describe the Latin American countries.